I had a Lyft ride today where the driver had a check engine light on, ran 3 stop signs at full speed, and had their high beams on the entire time. I tipped him well.

My quandary is should I report this person as a terrible driver, or give them a pass because we’re all struggling to make the ends meet? This was in a pretty dense neighborhood.

  • JWBananas@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Gig work is tipped work. If they don’t tip, the driver worked for free.

    The gig company “pays” the drivers a pittance, but it largely just covers a portion of the owner-operator’s expenses. 100% of the net profit comes from tips.

    There are a handful of municipalities with unique laws which do not fit this model; but outside of those areas, that is straight up how it works.

    Now, should the driver be reckless? No, that should be reported. But stiffing them won’t change anything.