Aunt Fritz’s password looks awfully similar to a product key (like a steam key or CD key). 🤔
Password: hunter2
I went looking for the quote, and lo and behold, you beat me to it!
In case you’re unaware, appears to be kaput, but both and exist in case you want to relive the old days.
Neither appears to have their own search function, but I was able to search at least using the site: operator in DDG.
I’m surprised that no app I’ve ever used has censored hunter2 as an Easter egg.
edit: Correct typo.
Thanks for these alternate links. I found bash forever ago and I’m pretty sure that’s what lead me into irc and Linux
My heart dropped a little months ago when it went down. At one point I’d made it through the entirety of it was fun sorting by random again. Got a little nostalgia hit again
My pleasure! I had some very similar experiences; glad to spread the joy.
Edit: looks right to me, it only works if that’s your password though
Password: *******
Amazing how that works.