• eldavi@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    my crystal ball comes from being on so many shit lists because i’m the “uppity beaner who doesn’t know when to shut up” and the “queer who doesn’t know when to walk away from a confrontation” and the “weirdo who doesn’t know how to read a room” and “the pocho who doesn’t get it” and the “"normal" guy who won’t stop attracting the neuro-diverse” and the “big and loud scary dark man coming at you on the street” and the “bleeding heart liberal” in a deeply conservative family and hometown.

    you’re right about the deportations being a little bit hyperbolic and that’s not what what i was referring to; if i’m deported, it won’t be because i’m immigrant labor, but because no one will help like it has happened to me in more incidents that i want to remember in my past because of those shit lists.

    i share this because i had a similar conversation with my father and my sister independently about trump’s plan to deport people like them and the rest of my siblings and they had a similar response about it being hyperbole. like i said in my previous comment: my crystal ball is telling me that it’s going to hit me before it hits them and they’re refusing to see it despite them being the target demographic in trump’s designs. (i am too as my family’s anchor baby and our storied history with immigration because of it). i still don’t know when to shut up and felt like i had to give voice to an unknown perspective with people who i think can “get it” and be aware that it’s a thing as well for people who aren’t immigrant labor, but still has the same life altering impact nonetheless.