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This is just for me to let you guys know about Moe’s Finale. I’ve been posting this comic on behalf of the creator on Reddit, but I hadn’t posted it here for you guys to view. I have separated each issue of the comic out in links below, so you can go issue by issue. If you are still on reddit and you like this comic, I’d recommend following the comic on the r/moesfinale subreddit.
Was a really touching story that cut deep about serious mental health issues…
…until chapter 18 where the author goes off the deep end with reductive manosphere bs…
Gonna be a no from me
Kiddie has explained this further with people in relation to what happened in issue 18. As I mentioned, it was made when she was 18-19, so she had some strong opinions on the subject matter that have moreso mellowed out with time and experience. Also, it is trying to show the hyperbole of Springfield as a place where Moe cannot easily find help.
Although, A bunch of the quotes mentioned in that sequence came from people she knows in relation to trying to find mental health services for men, so there is a grounding in reality there.
WYM with reductive manosphere bs? I feel like it was quite overboard but in it’s essence it’s grounded in reality. It’s a bit hyperbole but that’s the theme of the comic overall.
It reinforces the idea for men not to bother getting help in the first place - you’re a man, they won’t take you seriously anyway, they will call you weak, don’t ask for help, just give up. That’s the inner logic of clinical depression and the comic supports it.
And it’s a really dangerous thing to imply because it could keep men further from the available support systems. It’s discouraging. I’m not questioning weather those things could have been said by someone, but it kinda seems like the author took some horrible TERF talking points and went “I guess it will be the same in mental health”.
Exactly this. The exaggeration helps illustrate the point, it’s not easy for men to find FREE help for these things, and a lot of those places are explicitly safe places for traumatized women, which for many women at their most vulnerable means no men.
Yeah, that was really… weird.
Yeah, that was jarring. I wasn’t expecting to be reading Moe Szyslak fan fic today 🤣 it seemed a bit all over the place and not quite focused, but that makes sense since the author was like 18 or 19, apparently. I was enjoying this a bit, but then the men’s discrimination bs appeared - and while there IS stigma around men’s mental health, the way it is handled here is bullshit 😬
Kiddie has explained this further with people in relation to what happened in issue 18. As I mentioned, it was made when she was 18-19, so she had some strong opinions on the subject matter that have moreso mellowed out with time. Also, it is trying to show the hyperbole of Springfield as a place where Moe cannot easily find help.
Although, A bunch of the quotes mentioned in that sequence came from people she knows in relation to trying to find mental health services for men, so there is a grounding in reality there.