White guys saying the N word and being gangsta. There is nothing ever cool about a white guy pretending to be ghetto. Yes I’ll include Eminem and I don’t care if he’s been given the pass.

  • tetris11@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    You’ve been sold a lie. There’s no “Bri’ish” or “Caw blimey guvna”. These are people from the UK who go abroad, suddenly get way more attention for their (slight) accent than they ever did back at home, and play to the popularity by Flanderizing themselves to appeal more to their foreign audience.

    Any english/irish/scottish accent you hear on a mainstream TV show is not representative of the general population. Example: the BBC news accent is about as representative of the UK population as the 1950s MidWestern Radio accent was representative of the US population. It’s a caricature that everyone but a foreign audience just mentally tunes out