Yeah forgot to add your a Navy seal sniper. Love the tales of you exploits against one of the most fucked up and advanced APT’s, tell us more. Greets from Warsaw Hackerspace scriptie wannabe.
You know you asked some hours ago as to why there was no outrage over Obomba overthrowing Ukraine a decade ago, yet people in the street over Russia going to war? I provided an explanation actually, even with the double standards present. You responded with “don’t care”, which is certainly telling to say the least.
Yeah forgot to add your a Navy seal sniper. Love the tales of you exploits against one of the most fucked up and advanced APT’s, tell us more. Greets from Warsaw Hackerspace scriptie wannabe.
The neat part is we didn’t need scripts to
the piSSraeli military servers, lmfao.
Also I’m not a Navy Seal sniper. I’m actually Juba.
lol, yeaaah, sure you are. Now go play with the other kids.
You know you asked some hours ago as to why there was no outrage over Obomba overthrowing Ukraine a decade ago, yet people in the street over Russia going to war? I provided an explanation actually, even with the double standards present. You responded with “don’t care”, which is certainly telling to say the least.
Maybe you better re-read what you wrote, and what the actual question was. Have fun, I’m off.