American culture seems to be rife with men who went to the Marines and after being discharged of duty went on to either lead successful lives or who’s life took a turn for the worse and ended up on the street.

Of c, the two groups are not equal in numbers and the third much larger group lies in between these two groups. Now, I still am interested in the disparity between the extremes. Why do some people who join the Marines go on to create an over represent the Marines amount the successful, while others end up on the street? They are all given a clean slate somewhat and are exposed to the exact same environment, what do the successful learn which the unsuccessful don’t?

    3 months ago

    Family and social supports when you get out. There is a lot of adjustment to a world where you have to make your own way and decisions. Having support lets you make some mistakes and recover. Even if that is just getting a wrong job, or not finding a place to live fast enough.