This mirror frame was inspired by an archway in Rings of Power. I’ve always loved the Elven art and design in LOTR. I made a stencil with my scroll saw out of hardboard. But I have the wrong scroll saw blades and I’m impatient so it came out a bit rough and uneven with my hand- drawn design. I had some old oak and some new stock that I glued up together and the difference shows. I glued the stencil to the oak but as I began to router it out, the glue gave out and my router slipped, tearing into the piece. I also routered too deeply I think. Then I broke a piece off. Just one mistake after another really.

But that’s how it goes sometimes. So I’m starting over completely and this time I can learn from each mistake I made. The only thing I’m stuck on is that the hardboard (“chalkboard”) didn’t stick well enough with wood glue or CA glue… so idk what to try next. Maybe 1/4” plywood with carpet tape?

    3 months ago

    Seems highly rescue-able to me! (You’re the only one who’ll know something went amiss.)

    Regardless, really beautiful work.

    I wish I had a bit more of your optimism.