Has anyone else had issue with nigh invincible harvesters marauding through all manner of bombardment? Shield down, I’ve seen them take every orbital and eagle without being destroyed. Not all at once, mind, but I have seen them take more than a factory strider and walk it off without even losing a shield antennae.

I’ve bullseyed one with a RR rocket and a full commando and they kept coming.

Any tips? I know the legs are a weakpoint but I don’t seem to be hitting the right places. Laser cannon is the only reliable weapon I’ve found but requires multiple cooldown periods to fully cook one which is just too much time.

  • Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    Running Eruptor, Purifier or similarly exploding primaries stun harvesters, you can alternate between those and non-explosive support weapons to “quickly” shredding one of the leg joints if you’re not being chased by 40 betentacled voteless and flanked by 5 squidsquitoes.