I don’t even have vodka. Fuck all y’all (Not really. You’re good people! Be good to yourself and hope the day goes well and you get to have some fun sometime soon)
This explains everything.
I don’t drink coffee.
Somehow this I hilariously relatable without me having had vodka at work.
We’ve been getting complaints about your lack of drinking at work. We’re not in the Prussian aristocracy Ben, now take a couple of shots and get out there and make financial decisions for the company!
My bosses don’t even drink, and they make shitty financial decisions all the time.
My wife’s old boss constantly told her she should have a shot or two before work. In his defense, it’s the best social anxiety medication out there.
Also, she’s a tattoo artist, so it wouldn’t be out of place.
I mean, he’s still right, he hasn’t had his coffee yet. Reminds me of something a friend once said about me when a coworker asked how I wanted my coffee “I’ve only ever seen him drink it two ways, black and spiked”.
Black and Spiked sounds like a new show on CBS Must See Thursday
That’s the joke, he says fuck you because he’s cranky yet.