hi all, i saw a post (or perhaps it was in the comments) about 1-2 weeks ago of a website to download any youtube/vimeo/instagram/tiktok/whatever video/audio in many different formats. it was a FOSS website. dark background, with maybe red text in places? on mobile, it had tabs on the bottom for video/audio/other.
i tried searching for it for a while now with no success. was hoping someone here mightve seen it too and bookmarked it…
i remember finding it via a lemmy post or comment.
if anyone can help me out its greatly appreciated!
thanks yall <3
im not that sure, but do you maybe mean cobalt?
https://cobalt.tools maybe?
Not a website thus definitely not what you’re looking for, but yt-dlp is a nice CLI tool to download videos/audios from YouTube and a lot of other websites in pretty much whatever format/quality you want. There are a multitude of mobile apps that bundle yt-dlp with a gui, I use Seal.
Or you can just use it via Termux.