Today, while out running errands on my hybrid, I saw an e-motorbike (this style) using the bike lane (dude also had a motorcycle helmet on).

Personally, I think these people should stay on the road like other motorbikes, as it’s clear that these are supposed to be an electric analog to ICE powered bikes.

I called this person out as well, due to my position being they actually are more of a hazard to other cyclists and pedestrians when the lanes switch to MUP’s without warning. Especially where they would be heavier than even e-bikes and would cause anyone they hit more damage than they would receive.

    1 year ago

    Ebikes? Sure as long as they’re not being assholes.

    Full on electric motorcycles? Hell no, they belong on the roads.

      1 year ago

      In nyc, the bike lanes are a fucking mess. Motorcycles, scooters (like, the full sized, not much smaller than the one OP is talking about), suped up e-bikes…it really pisses me off. Because, yeah, I use my tiny little foldable e-bike that goes no more than 12mph, to the point that manual bikes pass me all the time, and these fuckers are going 25 on a crowded nyc two way bike lane. And we have protected bike lanes in some portions of the city, so it’s much safer than the usual fare, but these assholes put us in maybe even more danger than the cars on a non-protected bike lane. There’s legitimate traffic in our bike lanes during rush hour, yet these assholes run the ped-x lights, use the other lane to pass us all, etc.