Today, while out running errands on my hybrid, I saw an e-motorbike (this style) using the bike lane (dude also had a motorcycle helmet on).

Personally, I think these people should stay on the road like other motorbikes, as it’s clear that these are supposed to be an electric analog to ICE powered bikes.

I called this person out as well, due to my position being they actually are more of a hazard to other cyclists and pedestrians when the lanes switch to MUP’s without warning. Especially where they would be heavier than even e-bikes and would cause anyone they hit more damage than they would receive.

    1 year ago

    I’ve seen on of those up close as I talked to the owner.

    They aren’t nearly as maneuverable as a regular bike, and are nearly motorcycle size.

    As a cyclist, the only experience I’ve had of people actually using them on the trail has been bad. Not sure if it’s a particular kind of person who’s using them, or if I just have bad luck.

    As a pedestrian, I hate them. At 25-30km/h, on a walking trail, they are incredibility intimidating. I would not want to be hit by one.

    At the end of the day, they are one less car. I’m of the opinion that as long as they are ridden responsibility and aren’t crazy powerful and heavy, I’m cool with it.