To that end … Stamets cmon you can do better, wait 31 days at least.
I’m gonna delete this post because I wasn’t aware it was posted recently but I’m not gonna lie, this comment annoys the hell out of me. I’m not on lemmy 24/7. No one is. Humans gotta sleep at the very least and I’m dealing with my own stressful nightmare of a life at the moment. I’m not gonna see every post. Saying “You can do better” implies I was sitting there waiting for this post to time out so I could post it again.
I’ve got a shitload of comics saved. Some of em are ones other people have posted in the past and, occasionally, I’ve posted it too and didn’t mark it as posted. But I’m not out here looking through every single post ahead of time to manage what I can and cannot post. Sometimes shits just gonna happen.
My dude I’m just yanking your chain, I realize I didn’t put the /s on it but the arbitrary 27 24 days isn’t ok but 31 is I had thought would be a little clue.
Sorry, I’m stressed the fuck out about a few things at the moment and I get this type of stuff without irony or sarcasm surprisingly frequently. Hard to recognize what is and isn’t anymore.
I’m gonna delete this post because I wasn’t aware it was posted recently but I’m not gonna lie, this comment annoys the hell out of me. I’m not on lemmy 24/7. No one is. Humans gotta sleep at the very least and I’m dealing with my own stressful nightmare of a life at the moment. I’m not gonna see every post. Saying “You can do better” implies I was sitting there waiting for this post to time out so I could post it again.
I’ve got a shitload of comics saved. Some of em are ones other people have posted in the past and, occasionally, I’ve posted it too and didn’t mark it as posted. But I’m not out here looking through every single post ahead of time to manage what I can and cannot post. Sometimes shits just gonna happen.
My dude I’m just yanking your chain, I realize I didn’t put the /s on it but the arbitrary
2724 days isn’t ok but 31 is I had thought would be a little clue.Sorry to shit in your cereal friend
Sorry, I’m stressed the fuck out about a few things at the moment and I get this type of stuff without irony or sarcasm surprisingly frequently. Hard to recognize what is and isn’t anymore.