Complaining about Marxist-Leninists on a platform made by MLs and the instance maintained by them is a bit silly. There’s nothing “crypto” about support for Communism on Lemmy.
Moreover, I find that the ones most critical of the USSR, as in the ones best looking at what honestly and truthfully went wrong with the Soviet Union, are MLs. It’s easy to regurgitate “100 gorillion dead no iphone vuvuzela,” but that isn’t particularly critical as it isn’t based in reality, just non-sequitors and gotchas.
Meanwhile, MLs can usually talk in depth about the issues with Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and even Kruschev’s reforms, or the struggles with planning by hand in a computerized era, discussion on whether or not the NEP should have been modified, extended, or eliminated even earlier or right on time, and more. This is because MLs want to use the Soviet Union as an example, learn from the good and learn from the bad so we can more effectively build a Socialist future.
No idea what you mean by a “thesis,” but countries like Estonia are included. I am unsure if polling has been done in Poland regarding this, but even if everyone in Poland prefered Capitalism it would still be true that the majority of ex-Soviet citizens prefer Socialism.
Not sure how to take the idea that dissolving Socialism and replacing it with Capitalism was harmful other than a preference that Socialism be maintained.
My point is that the polls mentioned in the wiki seem to not be mentioning socio-economic systems, but the USSR country and it’s culture, as well as it’s dissolution (which was handled like shit in most of the countries AFAIK).
Crypto tankies lol
USSR dindu muffin mate
Complaining about Marxist-Leninists on a platform made by MLs and the instance maintained by them is a bit silly. There’s nothing “crypto” about support for Communism on Lemmy.
Moreover, I find that the ones most critical of the USSR, as in the ones best looking at what honestly and truthfully went wrong with the Soviet Union, are MLs. It’s easy to regurgitate “100 gorillion dead no iphone vuvuzela,” but that isn’t particularly critical as it isn’t based in reality, just non-sequitors and gotchas.
Meanwhile, MLs can usually talk in depth about the issues with Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and even Kruschev’s reforms, or the struggles with planning by hand in a computerized era, discussion on whether or not the NEP should have been modified, extended, or eliminated even earlier or right on time, and more. This is because MLs want to use the Soviet Union as an example, learn from the good and learn from the bad so we can more effectively build a Socialist future.
Do you ever wonder why but a small minority of eastern Europeans hate USSR and Russia?!
Or why Ukraine is fighting its war?
tankie ignores the lived experience of people subjected to the Russian rule including communism area because america bad
Clown world
Most ex-Soviets regret the collapse of the USSR, actually. This is well-documented.
The article seems to be missing polling history from countries that don’t support it’s thesis, like Poland.
No idea what you mean by a “thesis,” but countries like Estonia are included. I am unsure if polling has been done in Poland regarding this, but even if everyone in Poland prefered Capitalism it would still be true that the majority of ex-Soviet citizens prefer Socialism.
That’s not exactly what the polls in the article were about though?
Not sure how to take the idea that dissolving Socialism and replacing it with Capitalism was harmful other than a preference that Socialism be maintained.
My point is that the polls mentioned in the wiki seem to not be mentioning socio-economic systems, but the USSR country and it’s culture, as well as it’s dissolution (which was handled like shit in most of the countries AFAIK).
Anybody using the word ‘tankie’ can be safety blocked and ignored.
You listed clowns who are trying to appeal to normies by hiding their real views.
That’s a crypto tankie. Similar to alt right pipe line.