Why do people do this? Readmes and nfo files take up literal kilobytes… even over hundreds or even thousands of downloads, at most it’s going to take up a few extra megabytes of download/storage, they’re not saving anything at all. And it can be nice when the nfo includes all the releaser’s original encode settings and stuff.
Check the files included in the torrent. Sometimes the folders include a little readme or something that people set to not download.
Yea sometimes I’ll exclude the .nfo from my downloads. Thankfully the tracker I’m on now disallows any files that aren’t media in their uploads.
Why do people do this? Readmes and nfo files take up literal kilobytes… even over hundreds or even thousands of downloads, at most it’s going to take up a few extra megabytes of download/storage, they’re not saving anything at all. And it can be nice when the nfo includes all the releaser’s original encode settings and stuff.
Extra files are messy.
Why do I need to know that “Torrent was downloaded from TheSiteINeverVisited.nfo”? It’s just extra noise I don’t need.