This question is obviously intended for those that live in places where tap water is “safe to drink.”

I live in Southern California, where I’m at the end of a long chain of cities. Occasionally, the tap smells of sulfur, hardness changes, or it tastes… odd. I’m curious about the perspective of people that are directly involved and their reasoning.

    9 months ago

    Tap water is constantly purified

    But unlike a lot of the filling station water, tap water is often not purified with UV or reverse osmosis. (I looked it up and mine isn’t anyway.) So some dangerous byproducts from mining and the like get through.

    and the press is ready to jump on it the second it’s unsafe.

    Honestly, this is an excellent point I hadn’t thought of.

    One of those filling stations? Well for one the water I’m 90% sure is the same tap water anyway …

    It is, I believe, but with UV & reverse-osmosis so it’s more strongly filtered than tap water in the end.

    … and for 2, do they produce reports every month showing how safe they are like our city water does?

    Fair point.


    (Also, please be aware that I fully admit I am not knowledgeable on this stuff; I’m just trying my best. So, if I am spouting any misconceptions, I welcome correction as long as it is kindly done.)