My feed is filled with bad news, which is my fault for using the fediverse as a news feed, but it made me wonder: Which organisations, groups or individual people in the world are doing the most good for our world? I’m particularly interested in those who manage to do good on a larger impact scale (quantity or quality), but if the unknown person on your street who fosters kittens is a great example, I’d love to hear about them too.

Mr. Rogers told me to look for the helpers in times of trouble. Tell me about your favorite helpers!

    1 year ago

    I do vehicle diagnostics, programing, coding and have strong connections with all the towns services. My job is usualy to come to your vehicle and see whats the problem and recomend the garage where to fix your car, how much expect to pay and what part will cost how much, so you would know and wouldnt get scamed. After I won some money in the lottery, I didnt tell anybody and just work as usual, but if i see people strugling, like women alone with children driving a beaten down 400€ car, I would say I dont know 100% whats wrong with theyr car so I wont take money for diagnostics, tell them that, they should come to “That” garage and they will fix this problem because they had this kind of thing happen to them. Than i call the garage, tell them that this person is going to come, to fix the problem that I found, and I pay for the fixes snd tell them to say that it was just a small problem. I havent spent any money from the lottery on myself. I even have a seperate bank account for it and onley use it for charity work. Now iam looking at my diagnostic log and in the past 5 years I have registered 1500 free car fixes, Iam nearing 0 at my bank account, I dont think I will be paying for repairs anymore when it reaches 0, but I will continue to do diagnostics for free and stop services from scaming people.