There doesn’t seem to be a very active filmmaking community on Lemmy, so I thought I’d ask here.

I’ve been using for almost a year now but I’ve started being less and less impressed with the music. A lot of it feels the same or leans too much into the corporate genre.

I’m looking for recommendations before I renew my subscription. Audiio seems like it could be a good deal? Musicbed also seems great but a little more expensive than I’d like at the moment.

Any other recommendations that I should look at?

    1 year ago

    I kind of like because you can just buy tracks and don’t have to subscribe, though they also lean pretty heavily in to corporate too but then they have so much stuff that you still have good odds of finding something that will work. Audio Network is very good and I think have some of the best tools for narrowing search results that I’ve used, that said though, like all libraries it’s incredibly frustrating because just nothing really fits and you can waste hours even days and might still find nothing. AudioNetwork often seems to lean in to bigger, cinematic sounds and it’s hard to get subtle stuff, they are good to work with on really big projects because they have people who can help you find stuff.