From their Masto acct:
"It’s almost #DataPrivacyWeek - vote now for your favorite data privacy tools in this 1-minute survey! "
From their Masto acct:
"It’s almost #DataPrivacyWeek - vote now for your favorite data privacy tools in this 1-minute survey! "
I am surprised by the lack of question about VPN/SPN
VPNs do little for your privacy, unless there’s specific reason to trust them over your isp
ISPs pass on your data to various authorities in quite a lot of countries. My own country (UK) has such a terrible privacy reputation I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find ISP’s hand over data for every request.
There is no reason to trust your ISP.
ISP’s in many countries happily share with government, they also sell your data to ad agencies.
VPN providers are just ISPs you can hire without a physical connection in most respects there.
Oh my sweet summer child
Thank you for this helpful comment providing insight into a complex topic
If you are trying to maintain privacy from the bad actors that most people should fear – that is, advertisers and marketers –
VPNs are very effective because they increase the cost of that kind of datasurvillenace of you enough to make it not worth it. At least for now.
If you are trying to maintain privacy against state actors, especially to hide criminal activity, they will not be particularly effective. But are still better than the ISPs who likely don’t even have a policy of vetting state requests before turning over info.
Not really, because you left out a huge asterisk. They are only effective after you have implemented a bunch of other methods to deal with cookies, tracking scripts, finger printing etc.
A vpn on it’s own doesn’t do shit if you don’t auto wipe your cookies after every session for example. Which vpn marketing conveniently forgets to tell you