Doesn’t seem like the rules let users bring their own ROMs which preclude most emulators but Apple hasn’t ever really rejected companies releasing their own games that run on embedded emulators like ScummVM
Doesn’t seem like the rules let users bring their own ROMs
Why? It doesn’t say they can’t. It simply says the emulator app can’t distribute ROMs that may infringe copyright, nothing else.
Because it doesn’t specifically call out allowing users to bring their own content but does call out allowing developers to distribute their own makes me skeptical that Apple would approve a stand alone emulator with out games (because there is no point to the app) and wouldn’t approve an emulator with games that breaks copyright, maybe the way around it would be including some homebrew ROMs with it.
They haven’t removed ScummVM in the past so it could be possible but based off of other developer experiences I have my doubts how these rules will be enforced
me skeptical that Apple would approve a stand alone emulator with out games
They just have to include two indie / open-source games and that’s it, problem solved.
ScummVM link for the lazy
Tempted to throw Sam & Max on my iPad now…
Why would we need game emulators in music apps?