The manufacturer can save money by not including grills and if the speaker gets damaged they will make more money when you buy a replacement speaker.
The manufacturer can save money by not including grills and if the speaker gets damaged they will make more money when you buy a replacement speaker.
Do I need to wear some sort of special technical fabric fanny pack? I don’t want to inhibit the progress of the pioneers.
If I may ask as an edc lurker, I love the idea of edc, but how do you carry so many useful gadgets? If I put stuff in my phone pocket then it scratches up my phone. If I put stuff in my key/wallet pocket then it unlocks my car randomly. I would carry my lathe in my pocket if it was feasible.
Requires an iPhone 15 Pro or an iPad
Not a lawyer, but there are lots of intricacies to this. You can own a trademark without having it be a registered trademark. Registration is expensive and then you are expected to actively defend use of your trademark. Be prepared to pay lawyers to send cease-and-desist letters to parties using your trademark for financial profit. Not to mention you have to be/become a business engaging in interstate commerce using this trademark.
dedsec doesn’t appear to be a registered trademark in the US at this time.
edit: added the word registered
The instructions for my smoke detector recommend spraying the openings with compressed air regularly.
We are at, bing! 42% efficiency.
If you are in the US, don’t trust any dimensions for wood. Buy a cheap caliper and measure to confirm. Personally, I prefer to work in metric to resist the urge to round to a nice fraction. That being said, measurements are always relative and wood is very forgiving so keep a few offcuts labeled and stored away to use as a reference.
As far as tools go: a cheap pull saw, square, hammer, and a steel straight edge will get you started. Harbor freight has some cheap entry level tools worth buying once to learn on. A drill would be my first power tool purchase if you don’t have one.
Do you have an auxiliary power connector hooked up to the HBA? Here is the manual.
Play slowed down African elephant noises on the stereo as you drive on wet roads.
no worries, I love the diversity in perspective.
Agreed, YT algorithms are useless and I just look at my subscriptions.
As a counterpoint though, watching with YT Premium provides more money to content creators than ad-supported views. Knowing some of the money is going to a part-time hobbyist making interesting videos in their basement helps me justify it.
The description says “resin core” which is a misspelling of rosin core. It is just pine tree sap that can be cleaned off if you want with alcohol with a toothbrush and then wiped with something absorbent so it doesn’t evaporate on the board and leave a haze.
Tin, copper, and rosin sound pretty safe to me but I’m no doctor. Just try and avoid any fumes from the resin while soldering.
You can put clear finger nail polish over the pins you are afraid of touching. The higher quality polish, the longer it will last. If you ever need to rework it then the soldering iron will burn through the polish and create extra smoke. Conformal coating is what the industry uses to protect boards from chemicals and moisture, but is more expensive and harder to rework.
Flux comes in many varieties. Rosin or No-clean are most likely what you have. Rosin should be cleaned off with rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush if you want the board to last decades. No-clean can stay on the board, but can also be cleaned off in the same manner. If you have water-soluble flux then you must clean the board thoroughly with water to prevent future damage from the aggressive flux.
At least 10 according to this article.
A dedicated numpad on the left is my favorite desk layout. I would love to have a full scientific calculator numpad, but it seems like it would be too crowded with normal size keys.
Since you mentioned joysticks, Joystick Gremlin is a great piece of software if you want to take the customization up a notch and have full sensitivity curves for your joysticks. You can even have modes dedicated to landing vs normal flight at different sensitivity levels.
Unless every instance goes down we will just call it a partial outage.
Indeed, the article was written with Backblaze B2 as the S3-compatible storage used.