Hi lemmys! My next door neighbour is driving me crazy. They started at 10:30AM and you can hear them through closed doors and windows, and two brick walls. They have enough brain cells to understand “turn it down”. Any ideas to deal/screw with them?
Ideas like frozen pee through letterbox are also appreciated :) Edit: I meant this as a joke. I’m not going to do that
10:30 am, sounds like they waited until a very decent hour to get started.
You say they do understand “turn it down” so try that.
Take the old saying “fences make for good neighbors” and add in “noise-cancelling headphones make for even better neighbors”, then invest in a pair.
Reap what you sow if you do stuff like sending them bodily fluids. I would take the late morning noisemakers over you as a neighbor any day.
This. 10:30 am would not be considered a problem legally where I’m from, you can only make a noise complaint before 7am and after 11pm. People are allowed to enjoy their lives, having neighbours play music during the day is just part of living near other humans.
Do not take petty revenge because that probably is illegal. Be an adult and deal with it.
That’s fair. I went a bit too far. The urine part was meant as a joke but I see what you mean. It’s just frustrating. It’s Sunday, and I can’t even go to my own garden and have a chat cos I can’t hear the person next to me.
Do I really have to wear headphones to be comfortable in my own house? It’s so loud and they’re not even outside, they sit inside and have windows open, it’s like a concert . I’m pretty sure I could hear it if I was 2 blocks away
Obligatory “local laws vary”.
If this happens once or rarely, I would ignore it. If it’s every day or every weekend, I would try to have a conversation with them if I felt I could do it safely.
If I were concerned they would react poorly to me talking to them politely, I would look at ways to report them anonymously and weigh that against the power/corruption of whoever I’m reporting to. That might be some city officials or the landlord, not necessarily the cops.
If reporting them is unlikely to help or might still cause unsafe reactions, then yeah, I would turn my own music up or get headphones. It’s better than dealing with a neighbor who has it out for me.
I think it’s ridiculous that it’s allowed. It’s the reason why I can’t live in apartments. Most of them have poor sound isolation and it’s terrorizing to have to listen to music through the walls, or to walk around with noice canceling headphones constantly.
The argument “people need to live their lifes” is also weird. What about my life where I want my apartment to be quiet?
Also it’s dangerous to human health to be forced to have noise around us. You can never fully relax. It’s against our very nature to not be able to rest in quiet.
Only when I moved to a house, I felt finally at peace.
Please show me some studies that show “it’s dangerous to human health to be forced to have noose around us”
Everyone that lives at a crappy built apartment is enabling the builders to keep building substandard housing.
If you signed a lease, its your fault for not checking how good the walls are insulated.
Kind of a misplaced dig at apartments there, considering OP appears to be dealing with this in a house.
Yeah true. I usually hear about noise complaints from people in apartments. It should be a lot more uncommon in houses.
Just bad luck I guess.
Bad luck on both counts. I live in an apartment and the walls are thick enough that I hardly ever hear noise from neighbouring units (or at least that was the case until recently when one of my neighbours had a baby and now I can hear the baby screaming in the hallway semi-regularly.)