Any information about any of those things? I’m quite interested!
I’m the creator of a network protocol (and working implementation :-) that is based on self hosted nodes, that let’s you share/link to whatever data, say a html page, a video etc. Encrypted, overshared (so your node doesn’t need to be up for your data to be accessible), and decentralised. Based on reciprocal sharing so no money or luck involved.
I’m being bad at promoting it would be an understatement, I would love just contributing to all this obviously coming decentralised sharing.
There has been a few attempts; zeronet and one from bittorent themselves that was dropped (I wonder what happened to that).
None of them have been used to create the killer app that has inspired the required network effect for mainstream usage. I guess finding the magic architecture that works and becomes sticky is the key. There are so many ways to do it!
Anything decentralized and open source.
I’m really excited at the improvements made to gnome-mobile.
What about FOSS decentralised webpages, would that pick your interest?
Very much
What do you think about ?
Never heard of it and it seems shady
🥲 It’s my protocol I have been working on for years.
Mind telling why it feels shady?
self hosted services that automatically and safely scale to global p2p services is about to happen
Any information about any of those things? I’m quite interested!
I’m the creator of a network protocol (and working implementation :-) that is based on self hosted nodes, that let’s you share/link to whatever data, say a html page, a video etc. Encrypted, overshared (so your node doesn’t need to be up for your data to be accessible), and decentralised. Based on reciprocal sharing so no money or luck involved.
I’m being bad at promoting it would be an understatement, I would love just contributing to all this obviously coming decentralised sharing.
There has been a few attempts; zeronet and one from bittorent themselves that was dropped (I wonder what happened to that).
None of them have been used to create the killer app that has inspired the required network effect for mainstream usage. I guess finding the magic architecture that works and becomes sticky is the key. There are so many ways to do it!