I wouldn’t use a complete macos theme with the logo and everything, but the mac design language does have some pretty nice details that even help usability.
For example, I love the double outline that macos windows have, the normal darker line and another lighter inside. To me, it really separates windows when I am working with several, and they overlap (I use mac at work), in addition to looking nice and giving some depth. That’s just a little detail, but there are many like that one that is easy to see why someone could appreciate them.
Obviously it varies from person to person, there’s also stuff that I don’t like, but I do can see why someone would use a theme like that.
Don’t know the situation in america so what you say may be true, but on some countries (developing ones where the power of the state is diminished) water is not free for everybody else, but multinational corporations get almost unlimited use concessions for their bottlers for a laughably low fee if any, drying out the area and sometimes literally leaving towns or regions with no public water left for other uses, forcing the people to have to pay for other sources. I don’t live in a place in that situation yet, but some other regions in my country are going exactly through that. In some cases, those beverages are for the american market.