Yeah? Well… Who designed their font?
Yeah? Well… Who designed their font?
the bottom two panels could be swapped
You made one mistake… this isn’t kyber crystal.
Only fake people take those stairs…
It even has a watermark…
“Yer tawkin bout da numbas!”
Some lady on LOST
Inb4 summaries and opinion pieces start including phrases like “think of the children”, “may lead to dire consequenses” and “should concern everybody”
Just imagine how many not so obvious, or nuanced ‘facts’ are being misrepresented. Right there, under billions of searches.
There will be ‘fixes’ for this, but it’s never been easier to shape ‘the truth’ and public opinion.
Still opt out rather than opt in? A step by step guide for every firefox installation is not user-friendly or privacy-focused. It could be better.
I’m TIRED of these mother f@%#ing particles in this mother f@%#ing air!
Having an emergency salmon will cause you to need it.