I can’t imagine a judge taking a case where someone unwittingly stole something
I can’t imagine a judge taking a case where someone unwittingly stole something
Or change the title to up to 50%
And yet if you go in the MC community, one of the most common complaints people have is that the updates are never enough and the Devs are lazy etc… I guess this goes to the point of this article, people can easily be trained to have unrealistic expectations.
Tbh I think a big part of the problem is Mojang’s failure to communicate with it’s players, less so the lack of features being added.
From what I recall it has to do with encoding and how the data stored references the following frame but not previous. Still seems like some engineering could be done to solve, so it it’s not as simple as “current Frame–”
I love everything about wanderer, just wish that you could look at trails on a full-screened map on mobile. Currently pulling up the trail will provide a small map inside the webpage for you to see the trail, which on desktop works great, but mobile it feels like the map should be the more important aspect (similar to apps like osm, all trails and gaiagps). Because of this I am mostly using it as a database to then download the trail and open it in osm.