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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • All political positions weigh the violence of their positions. Liberals who fight to maintain the status quo are fighting to keep people from enclosed resources like food and housing, with the justification of the profit motive. Whether or not they’re right, they’re accepting blood for their policy

  • I play old school maplestory on maplelegends. They have strict “no real world trade” rules and no pay to win. It really is just the game how it should be played, which really highlights all the flaws in the game (there are many)

    Obviously the main draw is nostalgia, so if it’s something you’ve never played it won’t have much value, but the community is great and it’s an mmo with lots to do and endgame content to aspire to

  • My point is that nothing’s perfect. You often have to settle for what’s real.

    Why can’t the DNC run a better candidate?

    Sure vote for the 81 year old husk but why defend him? If trump wins its his fault for running such a miserable option for the “not trump” side

    If trump is really so bad that we cannot let him get elected, why not just run an easy win with a competent nobody candidate with Brandon’s moderate nothing platform