First one ran just fine, so maybe? 🤞
First one ran just fine, so maybe? 🤞
7.5 hour club represent!
The Vita was such a nice piece of hardware. I don’t understand why just flat out ghosted their own product like they did.
The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation.
George Orwell, 1984
There definitely is, I’m posting from there
8 really doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. It was far better than 10 ever was.
I used to love RPGs when I was younger too, but now I find them too slow. I’ve always loved roguelikes, back when I still liked RPGs, and still to this day.
Lots of good lines in that show.
Xathras have hard life. Probably have hard death. But at least that way, there’s symmetry.
Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Wow, that comic really fails to entertain in any way!
Yeah, for me it’s partly aesthetic preference but also I’m not inserting myself into the game. I’m controlling the character, not pretending I am the character.
Play a female character in an arcade game. Specifically the one in Golden Axe.
Plus a properly made one is fucking delicious
It definitely is. As an avid fan of The Far Side, I can’t come up with any connection between it and that quote.
Right picture: Boss music intensifies
The comic was Ctrl+Alt+Delete, not Penny Arcade
As I said, mileage may vary 😄
Mileage may vary; I read the first one and found it to be an absolute slog and a snooze. No interest in reading on.
Well, not those belonging to the one in the cover picture. Those would be some gloomy, depressing tits. Like two deflated balloons hanging from a slab of jerky.