Shape Shifter, Teleport, Insanely rich.
- Be anyone/anything I want to be
- Go wherever I want instantly
- and if i need anything else, just buy it with money
Shape Shifter, Teleport, Insanely rich.
Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube. And I was actually online. Crazy huh.
There’s different ones depending on what kind of experience you want to play.
Right now, I can’t buy into the alpha due to budget concerns. And I’ve been quite busy during the holidays. But somewhere down the line in the future I’ll definitely try playing it.
All of the servers are free to play. And any alpha access I believe is just a one time donation to gain access.
Ive been playing Final Fantasy 14, but I keep getting distracted by other games that are not MMORPGs recently. I kinda rotate around different genres and games and stuff. I’ll try to stay on topic tho.
Guild Wars 2 was good. Idk if it still is because I haven’t played it in a very long time. I do have fond memories of Guild Wars 2 though.
The only other one I got my eye on right now is “WoW Ascension: Conquest of Azeroth”. They recently put out a new server with new classes and stuff in alpha I think. They have youtube videos of the new classes and it looks pretty cool. I’m watching that one for if/when it does an official release. Cause I’ve grown up on WoW and used to play it a lot. Wow Ascension does have other servers too but I’ve already played those.
Maybe XANA did appear. But Jeremie or whoever keeps making us “return to the past now” so we can’t remember. Lol.
I loved Code Lyoko. It was so good. Its on YouTube still I think in case anyone wants to go watch it.
Storage. SanDisk recently announced an 8TB SD card. I remember back when all I had was 1.44MB floppy disks in like the 90s.
I’m 38 and play a variety of video games. Currently alot of WoW on my private server. But I might be dropping WoW for awhile in favor of focusing on the new Path of Exile league.
What about red ones and blue ones? Are they birds too? 🤭 /s
My desktop is for home and gaming use. However I also have a gaming laptop which I bought for whenever I travel. That said, I don’t travel much… shrug
I actually ended up using my gaming laptop as a way of playing VR games in my room so that I have more privacy. Although I’ll still unplug and take it with me whenever I travel.
I also just recently got a Samsung Galaxy S24+ and a touchscreen display to use DeX mode as a tablet of sorts. Mostly for note taking when I don’t want to take my heavy gaming laptop.
I’m all over the place lol. I also work in the tech field. Computer Programmer. So yeah… lol.
A nutrition tracker where you can enter what foods you eat into a small database. And then when you eat meals you can check those foods off in order to calculate all of the nutrition facts consumption per day. And it could be expanded even further by adding graphs and reports such as Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
Could track Calories, Vitamins, Minerals, and other specific nutrition stats. Most nutrition apps I’ve seen only track Calories… Or don’t have accurate nutrition applied to specific foods as it is generic. Letting the user add the food as a item in a small database would give the user more control of how the stats and reports are calculated.
Could be helpful for some to see their intake and then figure out ways to change it to become healthier.
My favorite controller currently is: “Gulikit Kingkong 2 Pro”
It has hall effect sensors for the sticks and triggers so pretty much drift proof.
The layout is similar to a switch controller but the buttons can be swapped for a more Xbox-ish layout.
You can look it up on amazon. I bought it back in Nov 2022 and it still hasn’t failed me.
Sunset Neon - Tonight
Hello IT… Have you tried turning it off and on again?