It’s about humility and gratitude. Don’t refuse to build on your advantages, just do what you can to pay it forward and outward.
It’s about humility and gratitude. Don’t refuse to build on your advantages, just do what you can to pay it forward and outward.
The concept of noblesse oblige really needs to be restored and expanded. Most of us have advantages we don’t understand. It’s why charity and compassion is so important.
Same, depending on the restaurant.
Women worth dating tend to find coffee much more appealing as a first date than an expensive meal.
Maybe you just have a hard time identifying the women worth dating? Many people do.
Exactly. Coffee, ice cream, or something like that. Perfect first date.
I don’t tend to “test” the people I date.
But I don’t have an issue meeting either way, so long as it’s communicated. I mean… meeting outside the door is still meeting at the restaurant.
Spoken like someone who isn’t afraid of potential dates. Lol.
No way I’m meeting privately on a first date with someone I don’t know. I’d rather be stood up in the restaurant.
I can’t find a legitimate source for this man actually existing. Do you happen to have any?
I don’t lie, so I’ll say, “well, you know…” and if they are friends, they know, if they aren’t, that’s a clue that they don’t want to.
This is my favorite comment so far this week. /unexpectedShakespeare
I love alternative vamps.
I once played a post-Atlantean vampire who lived in the PNW, taught ancient history (night classes,) and liked to draw. She also didn’t believe in killing any more. She had a lot of back story and a bad accent in every language. She also had a cracked sense of humor and was only mostly sane.
Yeah, this is a point espoused by people who see themselves as wolves, but end up finding out they are actually pigs.
You don’t even know my diet. Lol. You’re assuming what I eat just because I don’t agree with your methods.
I never used the word dogma. I just agreed with another commenter that veganism is a religion. I don’t happen to see a problem with religion, so don’t see that as an insult. I’m just labeling it what it is. Veganism is a religion. Eating vegan isn’t necessarily.
But you are right in an oblique kind of way. I have respect for other people’s beliefs. Not necessarily their behavior. And yours and OP’s is ineffective at actually trying to convince anyone of anything. If I were you, and really believed what I claimed to believe, I’d want to know that.
If being a doofus is having respect for people whose beliefs don’t match my own, then I’m happy to be one. I wish more people were doofuses. Maybe we could actually solve a few problems.
If you’re going to troll, at least try to put some cleverness into it.
If the posts were this pointless and unthinking, yes.
I can tell you what has led me towards veganism: Friends who knew how to make amazing vegan food. Knowing how to do it economically. Understanding the nutrition concerns and how to work around them. Access to good ingredients. Ways to slowly eat more vegan without rigidly jumping into it. Seeing the environmental impact. Seeing how animals are typically raised and slaughtered. Growing my own veggies and/ or participating in community gardens, etc.
I said I didn’t want to learn more about OP or their perspective. Personally, I already know quite a bit about how to eat vegan… which isn’t, by the way, the same thing as veganism.
Calling this activism is a stretch at best.
Yes. Education works much better than mockery. Mocking people is for people who need to stroke their own egos. I’m confident in what I believe.
Your behavior disinclines me to learn more, tbh.
Eradicating class will never work, either.