Last time I said something similar people down voted my comment all the way lol
Last time I said something similar people down voted my comment all the way lol
Wait what? :'D
Man, that was so much fun. Back then when games actually amazes you that much that you had so much fun and Road Rash was definitely one of my favourites.
I assume that like 9/10 comments in here won’t be serious. Why are you all taking it so seriously? Yes, windows is very good and it’s rare to have a blue screen now, compared to the good old Windows XP days…
Noise cancelling bluetooth headphones are so awesome. I also use them all the time. It was just one day where I forgot them and it was a very bad day to not have them with me
Sorry but I don’t see what you’re talking about. I explained in detail how you fail to respond to the core argument. Now you try to be a clown and I don’t have time for that. I thought there is a chance that you’d respond to the logic that you call flawed, but I see you won’t do that.
It’s hard to admit that you’re wrong, I know that, but it’s better than refusing to listen to the arguments per se and to not learn anything (therefore continue to be stupid)
If you choose the latter, do so, but don’t go on my nerves with these infantile responses. Don’t bother answering, you’re blocked
Well I asked ChatGPT if that is true. It’s so cool that ChatGPT isn’t allowed to tell me how stupid that question is
Well, I made it simple for you and you still totally fail at responding to the point. So you just want to talk about limitations as if the reasons behind it are not relevant? By that logic, why do you limit yourself on eating pets? Why do you limit yourself on eating humans? I assume that the reason of why you don’t eat them are relevant? So why don’t you read once again which reason was giving for the circumstance that vegans don’t consume animal prodcuts
If you fail to adress how the reason behind it is illogical, then I fear you’re not educated enough in terms of discussion and in terms of the topic that is discussed here.
One last time: The reason why vegans stop consuming any animal products and why they don’t support any other kind of animal exploitation is that it’s not necessary, and if you’re against animal abuse, then you should ask yourself why you still pay for it.
As I mentioned before, the whole vegan argument is about logic. I fear that your problem is not that you just can’t understand logic, it’s that you’re ignorant. You showed that very clearly by now
Religions do that. You cannot eat pork/beef etc, depending on the religion. Vegans also do that and it is equally moronic.
It would be hard to make a conclusion that is even more dumb than what you just said. Again, the reason of why vegans refuse to pay for any animal products is because they can easily buy alternatives which don’t involve the exploitation and killing of animals. It’s therefore not necessary to pay for animals to be harmed and killed. If there is no necessity for an animal to be harmed and killed, then paying for exactly that is in fact immoral.
You don’t care about your own immoral actions, which is what many people do, but what makes you extraordinary “special” is how you try to make vegan look bad by preaching that their logic is flawed - while the reason that you state in regard to that are without any logic. The irony.
The sad part is that, people like you are the ones that then claim vegans are bad people while all you do is to spread nonsense about them and leave toxic responses where you fail to discuss the main arguments in a constructive manner.
That’s was pisses me off ever since I started to go by train instead of my car for environmental reasons to work. Like what happend that people don’t understand the general politeness anymore. We used to be gentle to each other and that means that I don’t force other people to listen to my videos as well.
The last time a young mother gave her little 3 year old child an iPad to watch videos. I’m not sure what pissed me off the most, that it was with sound or that the mother gave an iPad to her kid, because it’s well studied how bad phones and tablets influence kids.
I need headphones regularly for learning languages (Duolingo), learning coding, learning about physics etc So there are always Bluetooth headphones in my small bag.
There’s no life without them
My question was how it’s illogical to you and your answer is “it’s completely illogical”?
Like, how hard is it to write down a simple sentence in which you explain why it’s illogical!?
I can do you a favour and already unfold it: The vegan argument is that unnecessary harm towards animals should be avoided when it’s “possible and practical”, like when you live in a modern society, you don’t need to buy leather clothes or eat meat, there is no necessity to do so because of the incredible amount of alternatives, where no animal needs to be killed nor harmed.
To say thats illogical therefore means that you see no logic in avoiding unnecessary harm towards animals. So please, just start your response like this:
“I don’t see how it’s logical that we should avoid unnecessary harm towards animals, because…”
Funny how you talk about them like they’re bigots when you’re the one preaching so hard against them lol
Theres just one thing quite obvious in this thread:
You love to state your opinion, even though you spread nonsense by that. And you also like to talk shit about other people when someone presents you facts that you don’t like
Viva la free speech I guess
No, it’s obviously not. I recommend informing yourself.
“impose their beliefs”
It seems like you confuse it with religion. It’s not about beliefs, it’s about whether or not we find certain actions in our society to be morally wrong. Either you can justify your actions morally or you can’t. For example: “Beating women is fine”. Can it be justified morally? No. Can you prove through logic that it’s wrong? Yes, easily, by simply pointing out that trivial reasons like personal pleasure aren’t justification to bring suffering upon other individuals. If you’d, however, insist on beating women, how would you call that?
Nice example of how not to communicate. But what has this to do with what we’re talking about?
No. It seems like you don’t know what veganism is. It’s a philosophical stance and therefore completely different to any religion. It’s based n logical arguments. If you don’t like the suffering of animals and when they’re harmed without any necessity, it’s very likely that your core moral beliefs are the same as of any vegan.
It is logical. That’s why nobody can argue with the logic of the core arguments.
I’m curious. how is it illogical for you?
I see, I see
If I think about the first time playing mgs, it just blew my mind what you can do there. Even the simple things, like when the soldiers saw your footsteps in the snow. What they did with that game back then was extraordinary in many ways.
There’s always a person who can’t just take the joke
Vegans bad, we get it. How dare they to live according to their moral beliefs
Well, I really don’t care about karma. People do weird things to get “internet points” or just avoid something like being critical just so that they have a lot karma. It’s a broken system
What bothers me is what you describe. When it shows that people don’t know or ignore the negative aspects. And even if you tell them, they still don’t change their opinion, but what they do is downvote you.
I still think it’s crazy how much steam takes for their service. Especially if you compare it to other platforms.