Microsoft CodeCop does not mess about but in fairness he was using identical names for local and global variables.
Just an old fart from down under here to read some cool content and have some laughs along the way.
Microsoft CodeCop does not mess about but in fairness he was using identical names for local and global variables.
Is it pronounced Z or Z? I personally say Z.
Now I want a wall clock where you can rotate the face but keep everything else the same for daylight savings.
Do they? I thought “I’m sorry” was specifically about sharing how you are feeling vs “I apologise” which is an acknowledgment of your action(s). They often correlate but not always a given.
Just my 20c…
Edit: I can’t spell actions apparently.
Bonus DVD directors cut edit:
So reading all the cool comments below has taught me that the most ambiguous situation that can arise linguistically, is inadvertently bumping into someone whilst trying to ask directions during a Canadian funeral.
Jesus on the cross does look a lot like a scarecrow…
Ziggy Starfish
What are you doing mobility step stool?
Mark Fuck-a-Bird