Pleasantly surprised nexus mods weren’t being goons in this scenario
Those are just partisan rumors! Pay no heed
If it’s pve it doesn’t need to be balanced
Quiting and video games/food should be flipped but otherwise 💯
Not sure how big node footprint is but would fit the bill. Would only recommend if you wanna go into web dev career in the future tho 🙃
What would a better option look like? Steam user experience is great. Games are cheap entertainment. What more could you ask for?
Bros just flexin his game library at this point
Sure would be a shame of Bobby tables made a ring acct
Instructions unclear dick caught in ceiling fan
Rm stands for remove
-fr stands for the French language
/ stands for your entire system
Don’t trust random internet strangers either
I wish talking to people wasn’t all the same canned question/responses. Trying to find witnesses is basically impossible. And security systems turning themself back on after set amount of time. Only two big issues I have with the game
What’s optimized way to frag as many bugs as possible? Or bots better with eye of Sauron tower?
Yea but torrents are sketch. Everyone knows that’s how you get malware
Imma be blunt. Maybe your attitude is contributing to the ‘Several degrees of idiocy at work’
Dudes tryin to be helpful with beginner tips and you jump down his throat. The irony of you saying crud isn’t trivial 😂
I have a factorio comic/vid idea I’ve been kicking around in my brain forever. Kinda made a story board of it but realized idk how to make story boards. Or how to tell stories, or how to make comics or animate things lol So if it’s ever gonna get finished it’s probably gonna be some shitty napkin comic 😂
I’m also in the learning how to make games path. So far I’ve learned you want to:
A lot easier said than done! But thanks for coming to my Ted talk