So does a woman walking in public wearing revealing clothes deserve to be catcalled? Because that’s basically what you’re arguing. It’s literally victim blaming, why can’t men simply be respectful? Why are women made to police themselves?
Just an anxious, depressed loser
So does a woman walking in public wearing revealing clothes deserve to be catcalled? Because that’s basically what you’re arguing. It’s literally victim blaming, why can’t men simply be respectful? Why are women made to police themselves?
How many times do I have to tell you I don’t care about your regurgitated “internet safety” lecture. I already knew and yet you decided to type a whole fucking condescending essay. So, as respectfully and calmly as possible, fuck off.
Didn’t realize I was arguing with someone who struggles with reading comprehension. My bad.
You regurgitated what a million other jerk ass men already said. I get it. Things on the internet are there forever, it’s all the women’s fault for posting revealing pics, I mean they were asking for it with the way they were dressed, huh?
Well, as someone who’s been through it, I’d really hope you of all people would understand the fucking importance of consent.
You missed the point entirely, congrats genius.
Sorry, I should have said I don’t care to be mansplained about basic shit about how posting things on the internet works. You guys are really fucking obnoxious, it’s telling how badly my comment about consent set you all off.
My bad for thinking consent is important, boy am I glad a bunch of men decided to tell me consent is actually bullshit!
“If women don’t want to be sexually harassed why do they have boobs?”
So do you get off on being an ass or is it just something that naturally happens?
Whatever you say, really don’t care. I don’t need some rando to tell me shit I already know.
I think the issue is, when reveling in your sexuality, everyone involved must consent. It’s hard to say whether posting pics of you in revealing clothes is consent for old men to ogle or not. I’d say if you post it publicly, then it should be fine for said old men to respectfully ogle. But if said old men decide to comment something like, “would love to squirtle on those jigglypuffs” on the revealing image, we’re suddenly entering nonconsensual territory. So there’s a fine line and it’s easy to cross. Simply loving looking at boobs on the internet is fine; many women enjoy being admired. But if you take it any further, that’s when problems arise. Enjoy your sexuality responsibly, my friends. 💕
Edit: it’s both extremely telling and extremely concerning how much my rational take on consent is triggering all these pathetic men.
Alcohol, though I swapped it for a THC addiction instead.
South Park is shit. Used to be enjoyable but Trey and Matt are insufferable libertarian morons.
Stalin maybe. Lenin? He was a hero to the working class. I’d really like to see your sources on how Lenin was one of “history’s worst communist leaders”.
This is why memes such as this are shitty. It throws convicted felons into the pile of just “bad people” and doesn’t think anything of it.
If he is enjoying his work and able to continue living as he is doing it, then why must he “move on”? Why can’t he continue to make content for Stardew? Why are you thinking he is “unhealthy”?
Everyone disappoints in the end. I try to avoid looking up to people. Easier than dealing with the disappointment of realizing they’re flawed humans just like I am, just like everyone else is.
I don’t appreciate people using their trauma as a trump card, fwiw