They honestly probably don’t care much about the outcome.
But they do have to challenge it as soon as they find out, otherwise it could be used against them in future cases.
They honestly probably don’t care much about the outcome.
But they do have to challenge it as soon as they find out, otherwise it could be used against them in future cases.
Damn, I just bought 12 eggs for 2 Euro. (2.1 if we want to be exact)
That was exactly how I felt I was treated when I was 20 and visited the US.
Asked for a small Cup of coffee in Starbucks, and the girl asked me 3 times if I was absolutely sure I wanted it without cream and sugar.
WW2, might seem like a long time ago. But it really isn’t. We have video footage of Hitler himself. Performing this exact routine.
Would you like me to spoon-feed you a side by side comparison?
No. It’s a woman aggressively fighting a nazi. As one should.
It’s literally, a nazi salute. And I don’t use the word literally often.
The only thing disturbing aside from the salute is people like you defending it
Don’t point to a swastika and tell me it’s a windmill.
What was performed, is a textbook nazi salute. Start to finish.
He didn’t say scandies are radical. He said we’re left wing. Which is subjective to what you’re comparing to.
If you compare them to the US. Their right would be more left than the US left.
I used Debian, there is a version for the Surface if you do some searching, after install you need to update the kernel for everything to work as it should. But it’s not that complicated, I just followed the guide that accompanied the update.
As for the touch and pen. Both works fine for me. I did find a whiteboard software that recognized both sides as pen and eraser. Though I’ve been planning on trying to install one note and test that on the linux version. Just haven’t gotten around to it.
I put Linux on my Microsoft Surface Pro 4. Best decision I ever made with it.
let’s make sure we keep them to that standard then.
Can you easily farm SC in the game? Yes.
Just because others have it worse, doesn’t mean you should settle for slightly better than terrible.
If it’s war and combat you want there is absolutely no shortage of that going on…
You’re born just in time.
Dude, they’re not racists for disagreeing with your reasoning.
Racism, of various levels, are built upon hundreds of years of mistrust, inequality and misinformation.
It’s not as simple as just “cmon can’t we all just get along?”. And they are trying to explain this to you. And inform you that it’s a difficult and long path that has to be built slowly and carefully, and each place on earth will have to build it in a way that works for them, because all places experience racism differently.
Them trying to explain this to you doesn’t make them racists. None of them are saying discrimination is ok. Not a single one.
I read your comment. I didn’t downvote.
I’m using the “you” in the colloquial sense, i see that wasn’t apparent to you. (You as in you the singular individual)
I understand you are against kernel level anti cheat. That’s ok. That’s an opinion. But your argument that it’s some kind of secret which games have it or not, is not a matter of opinion. It’s verifiable. And It’s just not true. It’s not a secret. You can easily find out if you want to.
You can make the argument that platforms should make publishers divulge that information on the games page. And I say sure, why not.
But it always will be your responsibility to make sure you know what you’re installing.
Unfortunately. It is an armsrace against cheaters. And 1 single cheater can easily ruin the entire experience for hundreds of players. I understand why games might want it. I hope they can find more clever ways of detecting cheats without it.
As a final word. Lemmy is a big place. It’s utterly ridiculous of you to assume I’m the one who downvoted.
People need to take responsibility of their own machines.
While they might not hold out a sign that says “KERNEL LEVEL ANTI CHEAT”. There is information available to make an informed decision.
Your cake and fork argument makes no sense at all. The game company isn’t telling you what you can and can’t do with your hardware. But they are telling you what you will be installing. It’s there if you know where to look. And if you don’t know where to look. You have the combined knowledge of the world at your fingertips for guidance.
I don’t know what you do. But when I buy a cake. I look at the ingredients to see what and how much it contains of various things. If I don’t like what I see, I won’t be buying it. Because I certainly won’t be eating it.
And I’m also not going to buy a plastic fork to eat it with. See how I made that decision. The cake company didn’t make me buy a certain fork, and the fork company didn’t make me buy a certain cake. I decide.
It’s ultimately your responsibility to understand what you are installing. Information is available.
No one is forcing you to install their game.
It’s so easy to look up what kind of anti cheat games use.
You can’t eat the cake and have it too.
They don’t have a right to install anything without your consent. However. You pressed the “Install” button. And you boxed in “I understand” and clicked “I agree”.
Did you know. That every single year. Millions of people are born that has never heard of Jaguar. Because why would they?
Last time I ever heard someone talk about Jaguar was 20 years ago when they sold their f1 team.
Prior to that. I have not given them as much as a single thought. So yes. Them changing their logo certainly did what it was supposed to do. Get people to talk about Jaguar.
Probably got a little bit lucky but prices seems to have gone down, maybe people just refuse to buy them otherwise. I’m in the far north of EU. Really can’t get much further north than here.