Uhhhh not to be that guy, but um, ackhshually, “power overwhelming” was for StarCraft and it was “Glittering Prizes” for Warcraft 2
Uhhhh not to be that guy, but um, ackhshually, “power overwhelming” was for StarCraft and it was “Glittering Prizes” for Warcraft 2
I was gonna say, what’s the downside?
Either no deodorant, or something that doesn’t work that says it works, but it definitely doesn’t.
3300 hours on Destiny. I love the game, I’ve made long friendships through it, it’s not perfect, but it brings me joy.
See here’s the thing, I can get my guys in here, put a quantum patch on that tear, sure, but you gotta consider the damage to the fabric of reality, any loose extra dimensional beings…
What we really want is to bring down the spectral wall and put a whole new panel of existence and seal real tight. That’s gonna run you about $3&##∆√
I too sometimes pee in my own face.
You have my sympathies my brother in Crisp
That’s the exception for me. If the screen is cracked, but it bothers them I sympathize, but if it’s cracked and they throw their phone around and get mad as if it was the phone’s fault then I super, super judge them.
Spoken like a true entitled bad driver
A compressed version of the Shrek movie.
Make it 480p at 18 frames instead of 24, then compress the audio as much as needed, I already know most of the lines.
There is no god, only Shrek.
It’s all Ogre now.
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
This place is worse than Chomashu!
Maybe this in Julian calendar?!
That means we only have 247 years left!! REPENT!!
I was talking with my girlfriend and Tar Shampoo came up, and I said “I don’t even know exactly what that is used for other than dramatically killing off a horse” and she hung up on me.
This is some Paper Mario cursed chest vibes. I love it.
I don’t know…
My list goes:
Their toilet paper
I might criticize Putin
I might criticize the government
Makes sense, the 90’s turned everything edgy.
I’m a fan of the third one, 2022’s “Piggy”
Lemmy has reminded me that many, MANY people stopped paying attention in class after 5th grade and considered “Animal Farm” a long and confusing read.
1 “Wife’s entree”
3 “Meatballs Order”
I had to look it up because I used to play Warcraft 2 before I learned English so to me the codes were nonsensical lol It’s “it is a good day to die” for god mode
I had a bunch of sheets of paper with codes for StarCraft, Warcraft, GTA, and even game genie codes for every Pokemon game.