I’ve played Devilution X on my Anbernic handheld and it was serviceable enough, I got to like level 17 before I ran out of steam on my rogue.
I’ve played Devilution X on my Anbernic handheld and it was serviceable enough, I got to like level 17 before I ran out of steam on my rogue.
There’s a lot of games that do very well that don’t fall into your stereotypes.
Sure, CoD sells the best. That doesn’t mean Disco Elysium sucks though, or Citizen Sleeper, or Stardew Valley, or Sekiro, or Psychonauts 2, or Hollow Knight, or any number of great games. Games that were impossible when manufacture was monopolized by Nintendo’s cartel, or when cartridges were required and made games cost $60 in 1995.
Gaming is not immune from dialectics. It too exists in a tension between contradictions. It is both terrible, and wonderful, as it was during the golden age you are highlighting from the past, when games cost far more money and were available to far fewer people. When there was no way for one person (Stardew) or two (Hollow Knight) to be able to make and distribute an entire game without submitting themselves to subservience under a publisher.
One chip SNES already have super sharp pixels, this just brings 2 Chip SNES up to the standard set by the one chip models. This won’t make them look sharper than one chip SNES on a CRT, but it will make them look more accurate on them, and it will look better on modern displays also.
Splinter Cell 1 was the first game I got when I built one of my computers, and I went out and bought a surround sound set up just for it. Totally worth it. It blew my mind after dealing with chintzy desktop 2.0 setups and onboard speakers before that my whole life.
I still use those, how else can you hear your POST codes?
Yeah Malcom X was clearly trying to divide the left.
Long since dead here. Nothing but scams and data harvesting.
The 3DS Pokémon games are so much better than the newest ones on switch, it’s crazy. I recently got the two newest mainline games on switch to play with my little brother, and it’s just so bad compared to my long running play throughs of White2 and Y.
Sounds like you’re a troglodyte genocide apologist to me. Resistance to occupation and siege is legal under international law, including through force of arms.
Looks pretty awesome. I have a Pocket, so I likely won’t pick this up, but anything that’s reviving the GB scene is a good thing to me. Though, for $200, you’d think it would have the ability to play GBA at least.
Naps. I sleep like 6-8 hours a night usually, and then I take a nap basically as soon as I get home. I find I have more functional time this way, even when I end up sleeping more than 9-10 hours, because I’m more refreshed and ready to go.
Just mandarin. There’s not many resources for Cantonese that I found when searching. You’re likely best off hiring a tutor.
I second that for Chinese. Use HelloChinese.
Noodles come from Asia, not Italy.
Tomatoes come from America.
So not much in spaghetti is from Italy.
And open it up and clean the shit out of it because non-distilled water leaves a lot of contaminants even after it dries.
I still don’t know how it happened, but my oldest little brother and I had this pair of walkie-talkies that would pick up this adult dudes phone conversations regularly on a specific channel, and we would troll him so hard. I kinda feel bad now, but not really because it’s a great memory.
Hired a professional firm that specializes in defending employers against employees and has a history of anti-union action. This isn’t some bootstrap law firm, it’s a multi billion dollar giant that makes its money by suppressing labor unrest.
The coughing, holy shit. I used to wake up and sound like I was dying and spit out so much nasty shit every morning. My family could literally tell when I was awake by the sounds I made.
When I first hugged my little brother after I switched to vaping he said, “you don’t smell like cigarettes” and my heart just broke. I can’t ever go back, even if vaping isn’t really helping me quit nicotine, it’s still saving them from being around the smell like I was when I was a little kid, and I hated that damn smell. Should’ve never started, but it’s easier said than done.
I prefer og psx, personally. I’ve never played the PC version though.