“Banging the boss”
“Banging the boss”
Some Lil Wyte https://youtu.be/2i7JePYi79I
BH I wouldn’t really trust Trump with a gun.
Yes, but the form is just as convoluted and equally a waste of time
How long until they have a pamphlet for Klarna at Wendy’s
One thing to note, pihole also blocks ads in you’re using wifi from your phone. If I’m playing a game or whatever that has “watch this ad for…” half the time I have to switch off wifi or else it’ll claim the ad failed and won’t give the item.
Boss: What’s the status of such-and-such project
Me: It’s waiting on you, I sent you the status update 2 weeks ago, you replied to it saying you’ll review it by the end of the day. I even sent you a follow-up email on it last week
If you’re attractive and flirt with the carny, they’ll probably give you a prize without playing, or at least upgrade you to a better prize for barely hitting the wall. Then you can brag to other people how easy it is to win and they just need to try harder.
And it’s always warm
This meme is so old it’s kid is the hostess at a burger joint like this
All the workers have forearm tattoos
At least 3 people are wearing beanies in the middle of summer
Bacon is $4 extra
The burger comes out on a bun drenched in butter and is so greasy/oily that halfway through it may as well have been served in a bowl
It would be an epic episode of IASIP if Frank finds out he has a long lost twin brother. They find out because Mac and Charlie are just chilling in the bar, Arnold walks in and they literally think it’s Frank. Mac and Charlie can’t tell Frank and Arnold apart while Dennis and Dee claim it’s the twin-gene that they can tell.
Throughout the episode it gets increasingly frustrating for Charlie and Mac because they’ll be intending to talk to Frank but at Arnold instead and Frank/Arnold has to keep pointing out who is who.
Dennis: “This is retarded, how can you not clearly tell the difference between the 2 of them. They look nothing alike!”
Dee: “Yeeaah uh Charlie, Frank is like half the height of his brother. How are you not seeing this?!”
Mac: “Half the height? I mean, maybe Frank is slouching a little bit. Stand straight up Frank…”
[Frank stands more upright, which to the viewer is barely noticeable"
Mac and Charlie start yelling at the same time.
Mac: “They’re clones! There is no other way those 2 are clones!”
I’m convinced the current influencer body standard for women (huge asses, giant lips, etc) was some joke by plastic surgeons and they just rolled with it
Was flipping through the channels the other day and the question was something like “What is the last place you want to spend new years?”
The person sad “Jail” and of course he collapses into the podium Whaaa. And of course it was the #1 answer.
webcrawler was my first.