You’re deeply unserious if you’re actually bringing up Jon Stewart and John Oliver.
Since you’re such a big fan, maybe you can tell me when Stewart is gonna apologize for that horrible transphobic joke he did about 20 years ago?
You’re deeply unserious if you’re actually bringing up Jon Stewart and John Oliver.
Since you’re such a big fan, maybe you can tell me when Stewart is gonna apologize for that horrible transphobic joke he did about 20 years ago?
I don’t let that cloud my judgement of his companies
That says a lot about you, then. The guy’s a fascist but you don’t care because muh bazingamobiles and space crap!
Are we pursuing colonizing planets or building space habitats in any serious way?
We all know what NASA research is really for.
Every industry exploits the working class under capitalism.
Are we colonizing planets or building habitats in space right now or any time in the perceivable future, though? No, so beyond a fun thought experiment or sci-fi material, it’s not an idea worth giving any serious thought towards.
Why would people want to focus more on things we can actually do right now and would improve our lives instead of completely unfeasible pipe dreams? I don’t understand.
Sunrises on other planets are not a reality for anyone on Earth. The existence of trans people is.
I’d argue that the fake meat stuff has hurt veganism to at least some extent because it’s marketed so heavily and people think it’s the only way to eat vegan. You can see how prominent the ”all vegan food is processed” and ”it’s too expensive to be vegan” arguments have become, even in this thread.
Nice internet tough guy shit at the end there
No animals were harmed except for the ones Impossible tested on.
There was some Wikipedia article that was subject to a really long and intense conflict over whether it should have an infobox. I don’t remember the details, though.
Oh no, not littering.
Sounds pretty reasonable to me if the loser dweebs at want to ban the piracy comms. lol, even allows piracy subs.
It’s funny that you think anyone cares about your opinion or your fascist shithole of a country.