Man, bending over backwards to satisfy the industrals and then they do that. If somehow we could’ve known about this!
Man, bending over backwards to satisfy the industrals and then they do that. If somehow we could’ve known about this!
It’s the Terraria move !
Mostly by percentage, but I wouldn’t be surprised for the other one.
That’s just a doc, kexec is also available on Fedora, Debian, Centos, etc.
Not necessarily, you can use kexec
And on some distros you can also just reload the kernel without rebooting
… So far
To provision VMs yes, to configure them I think Ansible works best. But you can call Ansible from Terraform.
You can use udev rules and systemd mount or AutoFs.
Yeah and one who is secretly a traitor plotting for global instability. Man, these writers need a reality check.
I guess we got used to massive ram increase/requirements in the past few years due to x86/64 architecture and such, that 8GB now seems completely obsolete. ARM works differently and more efficiently which would explain the lower specs for same or better results.
That’s how I see it at least.
It was definitely a headache for me as well, but you need a guest agent (like vmwaretools or qemu-guest-agent), a cloud init ready template for the distro of your choice, a cloud init config file (network/user/vendor) and a custom SCSI/ide cloudinit cdrom mounted at boot on your VM. You also can find cloudinit logs on your VM to try and figure out what’s missing or what went wrong.
I’d say less, because the movie makes itself completely clear that it’s a fable about power and greed.
Cum jar and one guy one jar, I assume?
If you don’t know what they are, good for you, keep your innocence.
My Kindle never saw any WiFi connected to it. Everything goes through Calibre. I only read dead authors, so I don’t feel bad about pirating my books.
Sometimes I go buy used books at my local bookshops just because you should support your local bookshop.
It’s because of their display name, their username is, but their display name is “NotANaziIWasJustBornIn1988”.
I suppose not every instance/app shows display names.
To me, it sounds a somewhat like hyper focusing. Are you familiar with ADHD or ASD?
Because in fine, it’s the companies and lobbies that bribe them. You can have ethical politicians, but there are hardly any ethical CEOs/board members.