I still wouldn’t trust either handle. People are assholes.
I still wouldn’t trust either handle. People are assholes.
Season two lands next year!
I do think it’s morally defensible for an oppressed group to direct violence toward their oppressors. It’s also a tragedy that it comes to that but tragedy and justice are not mutually exclusive. I also think only an idiot would accept the standards in which we are expected to live, therefore to demand satisfaction with such standards would be idiotic.
Because violence is a tragedy and in an ideal world there would be no need for it. However, fewer and fewer people these days can pretend we live in an ideal world.
Watch this be the catalyst for stricter gun control
Judging by the foliage I’d guess Thailand over the US
Lol this is great and frankly hard to argue with. I was inspired to do my own impression of Brazil as an American who’s never been to Brazil.
If the BlueSky migration keeps up the pace, I think it will be a good bet that Reddit to Lemmy will be the next big user migration. There’s signs it’s already started, within the last year I’ve been here I’ve seen the community and sub-communities grow significantly and there’s been an increase of self-proclaimed converts over the last several months.
Lol when holding it is not an option, I’ll try singing the ABCs in my head and similarly when I get to Z and have to repeat it is when I start to panic.
This hits me deep. I will often walk into a bathroom and walk right out if I see too many people. I’ll either find a quieter bathroom or just hold it because it’s physically impossible for me to pee if I can sense anybody within close proximity. Sadly, that applies to stalls too.
My brain still reads “Sean” as seen even though my mouth knows to pronounce it shawn.
Stardew Valley.
Assuming this isn’t satire… It really depends on where you’re going. Assuming you’ll be in a big city, I’d say it’s pretty comparable to London. Don’t go walking along vacant streets at night, or during the day if the area gives you bad vibes. Avoid confrontation with anyone looking to start some shit. In big crowds I like to keep my wallet and phone in a front or otherwise harder-to-access pocket.
All that being said, most tourist areas are quite safe.
Cries in American
How do you get a full-year’s pay after getting fired?
What do you expect in this economy? Groceries aren’t the only things being hit by inflation.
It wasn’t a great plan
You’re entitled to be mad at the voters for forsaking their fellow citizens as well as the citizens of Ukraine and Palestine. But that doesn’t change the fact that, “not a great plan” wasn’t good enough for voters to turn out for the Democrats. Voters are inevitably going to vote for whatever they perceive as being in their own self interests. It’s up to the political parties to align with what the voters want and the Democrats have continuously failed to do that.
The people are tired of the Dems presenting them with weak bullshit solutions to their very real problems and being told to get on board because the alternative is worse. The cost of living in America is drowning the middle class and the Dems keep throwing us water wings.
I don’t agree that Trump’s policies are the answer but I can understand desperate people looking anywhere for some relief.
I see a brown smudge with some letters under it, I don’t know what it says though.
I’ve seen so many terrible takes already. I made the mistake of looking at a Reddit thread on the announcement. They’re not even trying to be subtle. “Female characters are supposed to be pretty! Nobody wants to play as an ugly bald bitch who looks like a man!”. I’d consider myself a seasoned internet veteran and even still it’s shocking to me.