My grandmother bought me a dark green, polyester, turtle-neck shirt; when I was 12. I never even tried it on.
My grandmother bought me a dark green, polyester, turtle-neck shirt; when I was 12. I never even tried it on.
While OP’s post is not the sort of thing we normally see here, the sidebar does say “Anything and everything goes. Memes, Jokes, Vents and Banter.”
The lack of a person watching you check out does not mean no one is watching. They absolutely are and you are being recorded the entire time you are in the store.
I like my Crocs, but for me they are not a very good shoe for my feet.
I have one pair of Crocs that I bought last year. First thing I noticed was the textured footbed. It’s kinda spiky and not very comfortable to me. I have been amazed at all of the comfort claims due to this. You can and do get used to it, but the first couple of weeks is not comfortable at all.
Also, I’m a big guy and Crocs don’t offer much in the way of arch support. I have never had arch issues until I wore Crocs on a regular basis.
I also lose interest in certain things when asked about them. I try to continue anyway, but I am not always successful at doing that. There is a project I am currently working on that I am struggling to complete because of this.
For me it’s the anxiety of disappointing the other person. I would rather they are disappointed right now rather than make an effort and have them still disappointed.
As I have gotten older I have learned to mostly ignore the the anxious thoughts, because they are often not true, but they are always there and I am not always able to shake those feelings.
Talk with your doctor. It’s likely they can help you with this.
The biggest issue is Apple and their closed ecosystem. I can modify, remove, or disable most of the apps and settings I don’t like on an Android phone. I can even load a different OS if I want. With Apple most of that isn’t even possible.
Forming relationships are all about risk. If you know this much about her already it’s possible she already likes you!
Go for it!
I buy Samsung SSDs when I can afford them, Kingston when money is tight. Samsung is faster, especially their NVME drives. Both have been very reliable for me.
These are used drives that have about 35K hours (4 years) of power on time.
Good quality drives to be sure, but maybe not as reliable now as they once were.
I do this too. Speedway and Shell play video ads on their pumps with no obvious mute options. I don’t buy gas there.
Because Warner Brothers owns the rights to all DC games right now and nobody at Warner has any idea how to actually produce good video games. The Arkham games were good because they came out before loot boxes and online-only games were a thing. Now if a game doesn’t earn a billion dollars in the first year, the game is considered a failure.