It’s funny how all of this tech has revealed how gamed our system is by the rich and yet we continue as if we should live like this.
It’s funny how all of this tech has revealed how gamed our system is by the rich and yet we continue as if we should live like this.
Their food is absolute garbage do not eat there.
The fancy look is just what everyone else is doing.
America doesn’t actually have style. They have architectural and design dickheads throw shit at a wall and we have to put up with it and that’s what winds up in peoples homes.
And I have remodeled some homes to look like McDonalds and the client doesn’t even recognize it.
It’s so sad.
What is this the 2010’s? CEOs and their dipshit staff trying to make multitasking great again? They think 80 hour work weeks is a flex? How’s his family? In a shambles or non existent? These rich people are such losers they just keep embarrassing themselves.
Parents with undiagnosed learning disorders will create children with learning disorders.
And to advertise their bullshit deals to keep you spending. Uber is a big one, Best Buy is another. Push notifications should have an option to opt out of spam notifications. They shouldn’t even be a thing.
I can hear my hair growing.