Allow me to complicate the trial. What if the robbed is no longer alive?
Allow me to complicate the trial. What if the robbed is no longer alive?
I feel you, and also acknowledge it is a hairy subject on a grand scale.
I also try to frame the issue in the actual, real moment. I try my damndest to do as little harm as humanly possible to anyone. Should I be forced to give money to someone affected? Land? Should I be punished?
Who benefits? A grandson of someone displaced? A great great grandson? Whole family trees? How do you make shit like this right after so much time?
Mostly, I’m trying to encourage thought and discussion. Fundamentally, I think people should be judged on their own merits and actions, not their lineage.
But you and I did NOT. I see a lot of people online who can’t make the distinction.
EDIT: Thanks for replies, all. Some good conversation here
Unless we’re talking protesting or voting. Then they’re asleep.
Eh. I don’t buy it.
Think about taxing the rich? THAT’S SOCIALISM
Ponder if an apartheid state is doing a genocide? ANTISEMITISM
Don’t like the new Marvel movie? SEXIST! RACIST!
Freedom of speech died long ago and now there is no flow of ideas, even incrementally. We’re in big trouble