Does Lemmy have a “They did the math”? Neat thought experiment!
he’s a b3aR… whos t1r3D…
Does Lemmy have a “They did the math”? Neat thought experiment!
Post this to the Briar sub/lemmy/space, they need content :)
Does anyone have any good alternatives to my hometown, due to all the problems my hometown has? I dont want to get involved and help with my hometown, just stand in the town square and ask where a better town is. Oh, and don’t suggest the neighboring towns either.
Diarium Encrypted, save local or your own cloud solution, good features, templates, time stamping, media, weather, etc. Been using it for years.
It was, “Which side do you dress to?” around here. Especially if i was a woman doing the measurements for the tailoring.
Sure. It can be “less” secure from a procedural perspective because it increases the complexity of the user accessing their info. The more difficult/complicated it is for the user, the more likely of user mistakes exposing their accounts in one way or another. Obviously there are password apps that allow for seamless login (some of those can also be problematic), which alleviates the complexity, but then you have multiple email accounts to manage on some level for the various services and websites you use.
End of day, if it works, it works, but it’s important to pay attention to your user experience while also taking in to account the various tools (strong pass, mfa, etc) when setting yourself up. If you get annoyed that you have too many emails to manage, you might be more likely to not log out, or not use mfa, etc.
edit wasn’t trying to say it was WAY more insecure to use separate emails, just that it probably wasn’t necessary if you have different pass and use mfa. Sometimes ‘more, better’ isn’t ‘more-better’.
They’d only have all account info if the passwords were also the same and you didn’t avail yourself of 2fa/mfa. It’s better to have different strong passwords/long passphrases and use mfa. Separate email accounts become their own vectors for account hacking, not to mention that any personal security scheme you have that becomes too complicated with multiple accounts to juggle is it’s own security problem.
Hey! The acoustics are just better in here…
In the future, when this is wildly successful, please develop a plugin for my smart watch so i don’t have too keep my phone in my pocket. /stuffthatsnotrelevantnow
Cheers. You turned me on to Leanpub too. Looking forward to diving in
You know atuin is legit because the demo gif on their site is using GruvBox, the most bestest color scheme.