Wow thank you for the detailed type up! I’ll have to give this a shot.
Wow thank you for the detailed type up! I’ll have to give this a shot.
You have any pointers on this game? Not sure if I just sucked at it or had bad starts but never was able to make it through more than a session without dying.
Just right up front with the card pack gambling mechanic.
Zach and Miri make a porno, right? Knew the bit in the comic was familiar
Satisfactory reference in the comments of a shitpost. I’m surprised, pleasantly.
I’ve never slaughtered system resources so thoroughly than with that game. Love me some DSP. Satisfactory is a very close second but idk man, DSP is sooooo much more satisfying when you start seeing a sphere progressing.
Boomer humor levels of shitposting
I swear to God this is like the 10th post I’ve seen of this guy’s face and not ONE is serious about tracking the killer. I fucking love it.
To provide a simper, clearer answer: It’s not necessarily the sprouts, but the coloration of the potato. If you go to peel it and it’s green, don’t eat it. When it turns green it basically is producing solanine which is toxic if consumed in large amounts, causes digestive distress. Opinions are mixed. Some say throw it, others say just peel until white. So overall sprouts don’t matter, it’s what is underneath the skin of the potato.
Yeah nah. As long as money is in our politics, insurance companies will continue to lobby for keeping the system how it is. They’ll never change it because it’s a racket. Who the hell thought healthcare should be publicly held and done for profit is the closest thing to pure evil I can imagine.
It’s hard for me to believe this strictly because A) those things are fucking expensive, and B) aren’t they like …hella fucking fast??
I miss how cigarettes used to taste man. I’m not sure if it’s because they’re loaded with additives now or what but all cigarettes taste like shit to me. So even if I wanted to pay the ludicrous price for them, it’s still not worth it for me.
This is as dumb as people ‘marinating’ diet coke by leaving it in the fridge. Can’t level with this level of absurdity.
Got me, haha. Thanks for the laugh.
Look man. I use my computer primarily for gaming, with a little web browsing. The second Linux can support all games without me having to wrangle and worry about compatibility, plus whatever else config shit I have to go through that I’m sure I’m unaware of, I’ll jump ship headfirst. I’m fucking sick of Microsoft’s bullshit.
So greed. Like everyone predicted.
It really is considering how easy it would be to implement.
Honestly I just want tax included on the price tag.
The Enshittification continues. Nothing is sacred.
Thank you for the pointers. I’ll keep these in mind!