I love that we can reencoding the 4k HDR to 1080 while we retain the HDR color information. Looks great to me while saving a ton of space.
I love that we can reencoding the 4k HDR to 1080 while we retain the HDR color information. Looks great to me while saving a ton of space.
Maybe the switch for me would require staging on a burner pixel that supported. I have a lot of shopping apps, that I may not need, but need some time on the testing phone to make sure everything works before taking the deep dive.
This is also how I made the switch off windows. Stagged it on a space older laptop to see what’s what.
I’ll get there…
This is a requirement for Immutable Distributions, not that Mint is… But others.
Ok cool. I was just doing a few encodings manually today and was working on my own encoding application that would be specifically for us usage, but maybe this will be fine as well. Thanks for the work.
Does this support changing color spaces when going from 4k HDR to 1080? I tried this with ffmpeg manually, but gave up and use handbrake.
Is it possible to remap the copilot key on the new computers back to the control key? I keep pressing it to skip words, but end up needing to use two hands now.
I’m on Aurora and while I got it mostly working now, I would not call it user friendly.
Encoding to AV1 is good to cooking CPUs.
Definitely need to go back a few years for some stock trades …
Where you rocking the vcr+ codes or manually recording?
More copilot training data.
I stopped with the NHL updates back with NHL 99 even they were basically just roster updates over NHL 97
Zerg rush!
While I don’t fully believe it’s zero, it shouldn’t be too active. I have it set to notify me about updates and not auto install and I think it only notifies once a day while it’s still charging. I may have also disabled mobile data.
My phone reports that the Google play store hasn’t logged any battery usage all day. Is it active for other users?
Is this windows 11 and up or windows 10 as well?
Last time I checked the Synology office apps on Android didn’t work too well. Has that changed recently?
Should be listed as 9001. That way IT’S OVER 9000!!!
I use them all the time for contractors and architects. Nothing else …
You just need your mom to date someone that works at a secret government base, “borrow” their badge, swap the uranium with dish soap, and good to go.
I popped on the SNES with my Super Gameboy cartage for a visiting kid that’s like 7 and he was amazed playing Super Mario World 2. It was a whole new game for him. I wish I could get a cheap working gameboy for kids today, the used market is scam now with the prices people are doing.