Pronouns: Tremendey/Tremendous
Man that was a great subreddit.
Heard that “DUM dum” in my head after I read that.
I didn’t see that guy as a sewer mutant type guy. Just as a heckler type guy that has a furious facial expression. But that’s just my opinion of course. Faces get drawn weird sometimes in comics.
Tensions between the watermelons and the cavaillons have always been high, but now we’re just at a pitting point.
Sheesh Grampa, calm your tits. Not everyone has to relive WWII to feel validated. Participation? What are you trying to do, give him a new experience in life!? Isn’t the dread of existence already enough?
If you can (and if you’re not afraid of dogs), get a dog. If you can’t get a dog, try to find a way to incorporate a dog in your walk. Either through an app or sometimes the dog shelter sets up a volunteer squad to walk the dogs, or some other solution I don’t know about.
Walking used to be a chore. Now it’s something to look forward to and to remember afterwards.
Last name, sure, first name though… There are some older Jans, but the younger ones are few and far between. At least where I live.
That’s what I thought it was before I read the description.
Been biking all my life, won’t quit now.
Give me one with weed plz, no one needs to sit in my stank if they don’t want to.
Thanks for the link! Hadn’t found this one yet.
Still OOTL, Alabama said rock is henceforth child by law?
I’m OOTL. I live someplace where women’s rights aren’t returning to the middle ages. You Americans sure know how to get things jingled up. First a copper mistakes an acorn for an assault on his thin blue life, now some poor bloke has to pay child support for a stone he’s not the biological father off? (That’s what I make of this anyway)
I thought this at first as well. But then I thought he probably is that dislodged from reality that he genuinely thinks he’s discriminated against when people mention equity and stuff like that because he’s the antagonist of equity.
If everyone in the world is at least not poor and comfortable it means a lot less wealth for him; a big No No for PeElon.
That guy must feel so included. Very wholesome.
Oh. Oh no.
As a nurse I thoroughly enjoyed this comic. I’ve already shown it to an anesthesiologist at work, and I’ll make sure to pester every following MD I meet today.