Both his albums “50” and “Beautiful Life” are pretty great! And he does a ton of great covers l his Youtube channel!
Both his albums “50” and “Beautiful Life” are pretty great! And he does a ton of great covers l his Youtube channel!
I haven’t played in a couple of years now, since they released the big open world plains. I did install it earlier in the fall, but still haven’t gotten around to it yet…
Haha, reminds me of this classic
I like my debloated W10. I’ll probably try out Linux Mint or something as a daily driver when I get a new pc next time though. As is there is no way I’m installing W11.
Neither of those are nearly as effective though
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage was a real banger that I played the shit out of
Since Sony is publishing this everything you buy for PS is supporting that behaviour.
Hmm. It’s not like I’ve given it lot of thought before now. But what springs to mind is computers/phones/Apple TV at the very least.
Definitely. Both Apple and Google are high up on that list.
I mean, all of these companies that really should be broken up are, for some totally, definitely, unknown reason based in the US. So not that weird in that context.
Not only amazing, but also a freaking machine when it comes to churning out books.
Yeah. Kinda. Sometimes if you press slightly in the wrong place you get the cursor instead, which can easily lead to misclicks. But it’s definitely playable! A mobile port would be really dope though
Nah. He just tried some good ol fashion market manipulation by saying he would by Twitter in public. And since he had a non-significant amount of shares he was basically forced into the deal or being caught red handed doing illegal stuff openly. Plain old greed + stupidity.
Yep. The American system of punishment over rehabilitation is so strange to me. It won’t help one bit when (if in this case) they get out.
Dude, did you even read the (very short, obviously biased and sometimes factually incorrect) article you linked? Breivik is in Norway, not in Finland.
Lemmy, the singer of Motörhead that died 2015?
I’m in the same boat. FTL is where it’s at (for me).